What Are the Best Supplements for Prostate Health? Top 9 Revealed!
About half of men over the age of 50 will experience prostate problems. Chances are that’s you or someone you know. You may be wondering about what are the best supplements for prostate health. Well, you’ve come to the right place, but first some basics.
What is the prostate?
The doughnut-shaped prostate is part of the male reproductive system. It’s located in front of the rectum, right below the bladder and is wrapped around the tube (urethra) through which urine passes from the bladder. The prostate, which is about the size of a pea in newborn boys, slowly increases in dimensions from birth to puberty, and then expands rapidly until about age 30, when it is the size of a walnut. After this time its size typically remains stable until age 45 or so, and then begins to grow slowly again.
What can go wrong with the prostate gland?
Prostate problems often lead to urination troubles like starting and stopping, inability to hold urine, not feeling like your bladder is empty, waking up all hours at night to relieve yourself, and even performance anxiety in bed. These problems can be caused by everything from age and genetics to external factors like diet, smoking and agricultural chemicals.
Top 9 Best Supplements for Prostate Health
1. Pygeum
From the bark of the African plum tree, pygeum has been used for centuries for urinary health. Today we know that its fatty acids, sterols and other constituents have an antioxidant effect on the urinary tract. While more studies are needed, it appears pygeum helps support healthy urinary flow and the ability to fully empty the bladder.

2. Saw palmetto
Saw palmetto comes from the fruit of a certain type of palm tree and is the most popular and most studied men’s herb. Like pygeum it’s been used to ease urinary issues for centuries with numerous studies underway. Available in capsule or liquid form, it’s often found in combination with other male-supporting herbs.
3. Lycopene
Extracted from the tomato, Lycopene is a carotenoid, a powerful phytonutrient that may benefit prostate and urinary health in men. And it’s a powerful antioxidant that combats free radicals. The deeper the red, the higher the lycopene content.
4. Vitamin E
An essential nutrient that protects cell membrane integrity and immunity.

5. Stinging Nettle
If you touch this plant, you’ll know it! Its tiny hairs sting like crazy, but it may be beneficial for certain urinary issues, especially flow. Like saw palmetto and pygeum, you’ll often find stinging nettle (or nettle leaf) blended with other herbs.
6. Selenium
Did you know your prostate gland naturally contains high levels of this important trace mineral? But as you age, your selenium levels decline drastically, which isn’t good for prostate health.
Selenium is essential for prostate health because it is involved in the production of glutathione peroxidase, a very powerful free radical scavenger. Free radicals can damage prostate cells, so you need selenium to help protect your cells and keep your prostate healthy and normal. Unfortunately, we Americans digest very little selenium through our foods due to our diet. That’s why we need it every day.

7. Pumpkin seed
Pumpkin seeds contain beta-sitosterol, shown to promote urine flow and reduce the quantity of urine left in the bladder. It can be purchased in capsule form or in combination with other male nutrients.
8. Iodine
Provides nourishment to the prostate and is important for two reasons: It has naturally occurring trace elements and minerals; It helps nourish the thyroid, which regulates cell activity and growth, key to optimum prostate health.
9. Zinc
This trace mineral is found in poultry, seafood and nuts, zinc is important for supporting natural testosterone issues, sexual and prostate health. Deficiencies have been associated with prostate issues and urinary health.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials reflect one person’s experience; individual results may vary.
The Takeaway
It’s important to note that herbal supplements aren’t prescribed by doctors to treat enlarged prostate. They also aren’t approved by the Food and Drug Administration. None of the above medications should be used in place of medical treatment from a doctor.

Three Fast, Easy Ways to Protect your Prostate
1. Get a regular annual screening.
Early detection is key since often there are no warning signs of prostate problems. The digital rectal examination (DRE), starting at age 40 and the PSA blood test, starting at age 50, should be done yearly.
2. Watch your diet.
Increasing evidence supports the important role of nutrition in prostate health.
- Reduce consumption of red meat. Eating red meat five times per week doubles your risk for prostate concerns. Limit grilled steaks and hamburgers.
- Avoid saturated fat, milk, dairy, calcium, and refined sugar.
- Include carotenoids in your diet. Carotenoids are yellow, orange and red pigments found in foods like carrots and tomatoes. The most common types of carotenoids are alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin and lycopene. Research suggests that carotenoids help scavenge free radicals that can cause damage.
- Eat plenty of cruciferous (belonging to the mustard family) vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, turnips and watercress. They are rich in phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) which can be healthy for your system.
- Add soy to your diet.
- Take time for tea. Green tea, in particular is a strong antioxidant rich in catechins and other polyphenols.
3. Spice it up.
Spices and natural flavorings do more than add zest to your dish; they boost your health too.
- Flavor your foods with the curry spice, turmeric, also known as curcumin. Curcumin alone or in conjunction with the cruciferous vegetables listed above can be a powerful combination.
- Increase consumption of garlic, onions and chives. These vegetables appear to provide many health benefits.